Megan’s Strategic Blueprint for Success™

My clients benefit from a simple but powerful process to help them make decisions that lead to increased revenue, reduced risk, and enhanced brand. Every leader intends to achieve great results, but too often good intentions meet with resistance. The Strategic Blueprint for Success™ helps leaders establish the right critical priorities, the momentum, and structure necessary to achieve them.


Achieving success requires a strategy with clear objectives, a way to get there, and commitment to sustain the effort. Too often, organizations have one or two of these, but not all three.

WHAT YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE cannot be merely hollow goals. Goals should have a compelling reason that your customers, members, partners, and employees care about. Goals need intellectual and emotional appeal to give organizations both direction and energy. 

A METHOD should be as simple as possible without being simplistic. The best results are achieved when the method is driven by the objective, rather than by the budget, time frame, or popularity.

VALUE is what is created by achieving your objectives. What is different and better and who is it for? Leaders who deeply understand what their constituents’ value make better decisions about objectives and methods and are more likely to attract talented people who are energized by the opportunity to contribute.

Focusing on one or two of these principles, leads to marginal success or downfall. To achieve success, all three are needed and all at the same time.